

Caprice for a full-fledged professional solution

Client: Caprice L.T.D Date & Location: 14th of June 2018, Seaside road- Beirut Caprice L.T.D, one of Lebanon’s most favored rooftops has finally re-opened its doors for another Summer with the best themed nights experiences in the area. Following the successful formula of Dubai's White Club, the requirement was to have 4 themed nights starting from Wednesday till…
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Rooftop club covered by large Eurotruss structure

Client: White Club Dubai Location: Dubai, UAE Outdoor rooftop entertainment venues face a challenge in building a temporary/semi-permanent structure that can support the full decor and entertainment technology of the venue. White Club Dubai needed the structure to be set up in a short period of time. The rooftop is located in the desert and not…
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Showroom opens from
Monday to Friday
8:30am until 5:30pm,
8:30am until 1pm,
Adonis-Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon