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The VL800 EVENTPAR is an LED retro-style event PAR perfect for a modern replacement of classic tungsten PAR fixtures. Designed to bring back the vintage styling of the original lamps and PAR cans but built with the DNA of Vari-Lite. With an outdoor rating of IP24 for protection against water spray from any direction, the fixture can withstand rainy conditions at your next outdoor event or installation.

Product Description

The VL800 EVENTPAR is an LED retro-style event PAR perfect for a modern replacement of classic tungsten PAR fixtures. Designed to bring back the vintage styling of the original lamps and PAR cans but built with the DNA of Vari-Lite. With an outdoor rating of IP24 for protection against water spray from any direction, the fixture can withstand rainy conditions at your next outdoor event or installation.

  • Cost-effective LED PAR built by Vari-Lite – LED PAR from a brand you trust
  • Retro styling, color, and output – Looks, feels and functions like a classic tungsten fixture, but with modern capabilities
  • RGBA  – Get that perfect tungsten look with output and color that matches the original fixtures
  • Gel color presets matched to traditional gel numbers – Use the colors you have always used without the need to change gels
  • Outdoor rated (IP24) – Rated against water spray from any direction, providing weather protection
  • Adjustable frequency to exceed camera frame rates – Camera -friendly fixtures for IMAG or live televised events

For sales and after-sales support:

Tel: +97142369777

WhatsApp: +971505047526

Mail: sales@procom-me.com

For general inquiries:

Mail: info@procom-me.com

Showroom opens from
Monday to Friday
8:30am until 5:30pm,
8:30am until 1pm,
Adonis-Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon

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