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Scenius–1400 W Spot Moving Head

SCENIUS is the new moving head spotlight its advanced optical unit and the new 1400W OSRAM discharge lamp provide a much higher light output than with previous generation 1500W lamps.

Product Description

SCENIUS is the new moving head spotlight at the top of the Clay Paky range. Its advanced optical unit and the new 1400W OSRAM discharge lamp provide a much higher light output than with previous generation 1500W lamps.

Thanks to its wide 8° – 55° zoom, Scenius is perfect for every use: from large open air shows to TV studios or exhibitions. The zoom movements are so smooth and accurate they can be used as effects in their own right. A modern focus tracking system concentrates maximum luminous efficiency precisely on the effect you wish to project, and the focus may be set to be fully automatic.

With Scenius you have a light in your hands whose great variety of effects and white light and color reproduction fidelity will completely amaze you. First of all, the lamp produces a 6000 K color temperature that does not vary over time. This on the one hand ensures greater color temperature uniformity on the stage and more rapid set lighting calibration. On the other hand it means savings in terms of maintenance and lamp replacement costs.

The white and colored light produced are of the highest quality. Scenius can count on a CRI>90, which is extremely unusual for a metal halide light source. The colors may be added very smoothly and linearly, and cover a broad spectrum, even including pastel shades, thanks to a CMY system, a 7-color wheel and a linear CTO filter.

The special effects are of course top-ranking: two rotating gobo wheels, each with six interchangeable gobos, a rotating prism and an interchangeable graphics wheel. This special wheel can be used in conjunction with the gobos or on its own – even with partial insertion and adjustable speed – to produce spectacular visual effects.

The highly precise and accurate iris allows you to channel the projected light linearly into circular shapes. The appliance can also be used in wash mode by inserting a new design of frost filter. The light can be run at 1400W or in energy saving mode at 1200W.

Besides being extemely quiet, reliable and hard-wearing, SCENIUS is at the cutting-edge in optics, mechanics and electronics. Its amazing features may only be fully appreciated by seeing them at work live.

For sales and after-sales support:

Tel: +97142369777

WhatsApp: +971505047526

Mail: sales@procom-me.com

For general inquiries:

Mail: info@procom-me.com

Showroom opens from
Monday to Friday
8:30am until 5:30pm,
8:30am until 1pm,
Adonis-Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon

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