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Event-KREV80 - Anakonda-KAN200+ Loudspeakers with Thunder-KMT12 Powered Subwoofer

Event-KREV80 flexibility, is a unique solution comprised of 4 x Anakonda-KAN200+ loudspeakers designed to wrap and shape around the venue providing background music throughout your event.

Category: Brand:

Product Description

With impressive flexibility, the Event-KREV80 is a unique solution comprised of 4 x Anakonda-KAN200+ loudspeakers designed to wrap and shape around the venue providing background music throughout your event. To drive the passive speakers, the set includes 1 x Thunder-KMT12 powered subwoofer which features a high performance-to-size ratio that enables it to integrate seamlessly without attracting attention

For sales and after-sales support:

Tel: +97142369777

WhatsApp: +971505047526

Mail: sales@procom-me.com

For general inquiries:

Mail: info@procom-me.com

Showroom opens from
Monday to Friday
8:30am until 5:30pm,
8:30am until 1pm,
Adonis-Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon

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