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The ARCHILED 150 DRS RGBW is the smallest version of the DRS series, with 64 LEDs of 1W each combined in RGBW groups of 4LEDs.

Product Description

The ARCHILED 150 DRS RGBW is the smallest version of the DRS series.
It is equipped with 64 LEDs of 1W each combined in RGBW groups of 4LEDs. As for the ARCHILED family the design is clever and gentle. The robust case ensures a very long term reliability specifically for harsh environments.
Excellent light output with a compact size.
Ideal for outdoor permanent installations to light up the details of buildings  as columns, pillars, and generally small surfaces where the details want to be emphatized.
Attractive look combined with a resistant case.

• Standard fixture colour finishing is black. Optional grey and white (art. FX-COLOUR).

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Mail: sales@procom-me.com

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Mail: info@procom-me.com

Showroom opens from
Monday to Friday
8:30am until 5:30pm,
8:30am until 1pm,
Adonis-Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon

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